Pieter Palmers wrote:
Pieter Palmers wrote:
> Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:
>> Robin Gareus wrote:
>>> hey LADs.
>>> For those of you who have not followed the 'fuzztone' thread on LAU.
>>> I'd
>>> like to announce a /cool hack/ to ngSpice that provides soundfile I/O
>>> capabilities. - it's more a LAD than a LAU issue anyway.
>> This is a CoolAsAllFsck (tm) hack as far as I am concerned.
>> Congrats.
>>> Simple tests sound rather promising; but my fuzztone experiment is not
>>> really satisfying yet. well, maybe it's just meant to sound *that*
>>> weird
>>> ;)
>> I used Spice as part of my engineering degree and also in jobs later,
>> but my memory of this is definitely hazy.
>> However, my memories of how spice works is my discretizing the
>> differential equations that describe the components. I believe
>> the specification of the time step determines how fine grained
>> (in time) a grid will be used for operating on the diff equations.
>> One thing you might have missed is matching up the samplerate of
>> the input file with the time grid of the spice calculations. You alos
>> want to be *really* careful about how you interpolate
>> the file data to spice sample rate. Please, please, please, do
>> not use linear interpolation. Secret Rabbit Code is probably the way
>> to go here.
hehe, right. ATM i don't interpolate at all.
The input just stays for the duration of the sample. - there might even
be some rounding issues here as ngSpice stores the time in (double)
Can I feed the rabbit at irregular intervals: ie. specify time and sample?
> All spices I use (although this excludes ngspice)
have an option to
> force them to calculate the response at specified timesteps (along
> with the ones they need for accuracy). In this case it seems obvious
> to set this timestep to 1/Fsample.
So far I've only found the command to set the *maximum* time-step, not
an option to enforce it. - setting it to 1/Fsample is ok. setting it to
0.25/Fsample and using only about every 4th value gives much better
results.. using 0.01/Fsample makes me fetch a few more coffees;