On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, Frank Neumann wrote:
using the wrong distribution :)
Debian already has 0.38 packaged, thanks to Stefan Schwandter.
Actually, I _am_ using Debian :-), though I don't do apt-get stuff, but
instead get all my packages "manually" (don't ask).
Still, this is very inconsistent then. I just double-checked, and
_according to the Jack website_, the most current release is still 0.34.
How can someone name a debianized packaged "0.38", when there is no
upstream 0.38 source archive? This is not good. He can call it
"jackit_cvs2002mmdd-v.deb" or similar if he wants, but calling it 0.38
is very confusing here.
Sortof, but then again the version numbers correspond more-or-less
exactly with cvs (any change and the version is bumped). So really
Stefan was doing us a favor, considering no one else has done distro
efforts. I'd step up to the plate, so to speak, but I'm not going to be
around any more after Friday.
So yes, an 'official' release would be nice. But barring that, what
Stefan did is nice, too.