I'm using PortAudio library to try to program a loop-sampler software
under Linux (and perhaps Windows). Actually, I would like to make a
console-based software. I would like to know how could I manage entries
from keyboards. I think that ncurses lib is a good choice. But my
problem is in algorithm term.
I think that making a code in the main() like this:
while (true) {
if (key is pressed) {
switch (value of the key) {
case 'A':
proceed to FFT ;
case 'B':
proceed to time stretch
case 'C:
reduce volume
wait for a certain time;
is not a good idea. I know that with MFC there is event management with
WM messages. I don't know what is there under Linux, especially in
console-based apps. With GUI libs like GTK, no problems I think. But
what about console-based apps?
Does anybody knows some internet sites, or some other libraries, or some
methods (perhaps multithreads? seems to be heavy for just event
managements...). I have look at ncurses docs but they shows an example
with a kind of loop like the one I just talk about above. Any advice is