So I've written a GUI, and I've gotten a
better understanding of how the Qt
framework works. It seems to me that all that would be necessary is for the
host to pass a pointer to a QWidget, which the plugin adds itself to, and
the rest can behave exactly like the ui:GtkUI. If I'm not mistaken, all
that would be necessary it to write a new rdf file.
That's the easy part. Now all that is necessary is that _host
developers_ include support for a ui:QtUI extension. That will be
especially difficult is the host is a Gtk app. Welcome to the plugin
UI holy wars. :-)
Also your plugin outputs MIDI, I don't know how many hosts include
support for that, but I'd reckon not a lot.
At this moment of Linux Audio Plugin History I'd recommend you to
convert your plugin into a standalone application. Then you can add
whatever GUI you want and don't have to worry about connectivity
issues and host compatibility, since all will be handled by
jack/jack-midi/alsa-seq. Add lash or jack-session support and we are
good to go.