On 13.06.2010 00:20, fons(a)kokkinizita.net wrote:
I've been reading the LV2 docs for the N-th time,
as well
as lots of examples, and it all remains complete completely
incomprehensible to my problably too primitive mind.
So I have a simple question:
What is the absolute minimum required to define an LV2
plugin (in other words, which files, and what do they
need to contain) assuming the following:
- The plugin requires one 'extension'.
- This extension defines everything except whatever is
required to enable a host to discover the existence
of the plugin on a system.
- In other words the extension defines how the host is
supposed to instantiate and call the plugin, the way
ports and parameter are described, etc. etc.
I found this tutorial
http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2pftci/ very
helpful. I can't say that now I know everything, but it's a good start.