On 10/19/2010 05:17 PM, Gabriel M. Beddingfield wrote:
On Tue, 19 Oct 2010, Jörn Nettingsmeier wrote:
On 10/19/2010 11:20 AM, Matt Henley wrote:
I have found the best way to build ingen is to grab the entire svn tree
( instructions at
http://drobilla.net/blog/software/ingen/ )and do a top
level make and make install. Installing the programs piecemeal seemed
to cause problems.
that would be ./waf configure && ./waf && sudo ./waf install
btw, i've just tried to build the entire tree yesterday (on a freshly
installed oS 11.3), and the top-level build process would barf with
python errors (module RDF not found, module "configure" not found).
as this is a new system, i'm not sure if i've botched my python
install, so i haven't filed a ticket with drobilla yet. can anyone
confirm it doesn't build from top-level (or that it does)?
Same here.
I would file a ticket. waf shouldn't crash because of a missing python
On Debian/Lenny I did the following to get it to build:
* Install python-librdf
* Patched lv2/lv2include/lv2include.py for my older
python 2.5 exception syntax
* Patched redlandmm/wscript to accept my older
version of redland libs.
on #lad, nedko has confirmed the issue, joeboy doesn't have the problem.
so it's installation-dependent.
with joeboy's help i realized that my custom-build rdflib is being
installed to /usr/local/lib/python-2.6/site-packages/rdflib.
it seems it's not being found there, even though my sys.path includes