On Mon, 2007-08-27 at 11:35 +0200, Fons Adriaensen wrote:
On Mon, Aug 27, 2007 at 12:32:26AM +0100, Gordon JC
Pearce wrote:
Something I've been wondering about recently
is this - if you implement
a digital filter, how do you maintain stability when it's pushed into
self-oscillation? Most "real" synths seem to put out a slightly clipped
sinewave when in self-oscillation. Might it be as simple as an atan()
clipper in the feedback loop?
You can use atanf(), tanh(), x / sqrtf (1 + x * x), ...
So that would hold it around unity gain, maintaining the oscillation
without going hugely offscale?
I did briefly consider a simple "compressor" in the feedback loop with a
shortish (a few cycle's worth) time constant, the idea being for it to
work like the lightbulb or thermistor in a Wien Bridge oscillator.