sön 2004-11-21 klockan 17.26 skrev Dave Robillard:
On Sun, 2004-21-11 at 15:21 +0100, Mathias
Lundgren wrote:
I've been trying to implement LADSPA send effects in my latest playtoy.
I've had some problems with freeverb though. It simple doesn't produce
any output (execution seems to be veeery demanding) until I specifically
set some of the parameters to non-default values. I thought the default
port parameters would take care of this, initializing the plugin with
sane values to avoid things like these, but perhaps I'm doing something
wrong... Has anyone else noticed anything similar with freeverb?
Are you specifically setting the default values? They're just hints,
the host still has to set them. Plugins don't initialize ports to
default values IIRC, they will be garbage until you set them to
Yes, I'm specifically setting them, with the values provided by the
hinst. Using the hint-values, nothing comes out of it and execution is
really slow, when using some "personal" values, things mysteriously
begin to work.
Looks like the default values for freeverb have both dry and wet gain at
0. That would explain it, eh? :)