On Tue, 2008-08-05 at 11:16 +0200, Emanuel Rumpf wrote:
2008/8/5 Patrick Shirkey
While we are discussing alternative fuels for
cars, some of you may be
interested in my new blog and the latest advancements in open source
research on using water as a fuel ...
I tried with different browsers, but the site
crashed every time.
It's currently a bad idea to have more
than 1 or 2 videos on one webpage.
Sorry about that. It is top heavy with you tube videos but it works for
anyway, a very interesting topic.
energy out of water - how does this work
- any small intro available ?
Basically, there are a few ways to get hydrogen from water and use it to
power a motor in various ways. One way is fuel cells another way is
burning the hydrogen directly. That is what the blog is keeping track
Recently there have been some significant advances in knowledge
regarding an electrical circuit that can be used to split water
molecules instantly and explode the hydrogen at the same time with the
power generated in the explosion being used to charge a piston and
essentially run an engine. The by product is of course water.
You can check this forum for more details:
That's where a lot of the action is taking place...
Patrick Shirkey
Boost Hardware Ltd