Do you need an option to select a different
meter type than "vu" when starting meterbridge?
It would probably be nice. The VUs look good but they take up a fair amount
of real estate and trying to monitor 8 at once can be a bit tricky. In
addition, one can miss clipping with a VU (although this can be addressed to
a point with the addition of a clip indicator). I normally use "dpm" for my
purposes. However, everyone has their own preferences and different
situations call for different metering, so an option to select this is
probably the way to go.
wasn't sure whether I should show a dB meter, or just show the linear
float 0.0-1.0 value. Since I'm more used to pure float, and that it was
straight forward to implement, I chose the latter, but maybe someone
really would prefer a dB meter instead?
Personally I'd prefer a dB value since that's what I'm used to dealing with.
Again, having an option to select between linear float and dB would keep
everyone happy.
Yeah, it makes sense. I stole some code from meterbridge to convert from
linear to dB, and have just uploaded jack_capture V0.9.12, which also contains
an option to change meterbridge meter type.
Sounds good. Thanks for this - it should make some worthwhile features even
more useful. I've just grabbed 0.9.12 and will give it a go as soon as I