On Mon, Mar 08, 2004 at 05:53:08 +0100, Alfons Adriaensen wrote:
It would send
short trigger signals. I use ports like this in ams modules
that have a trigger output. And these ports are e.g. connected to a
"retrigger" port of an envelope or the "reset" port of a LFO.
Why should a host care about knowing this ? It could only important if
the trigger is connected to a GUI element that would be set into some
state by the trigger and remain there until reset by the user.
Unless we start 'typing' all ports, and expect to host to police all
connections, TRIGGER / MOMENTARY is required only for display purposes.
The two ends of a trigger connection are not symmetrical.
Yes, absolutly. It is intended to be a UI usage hint (a counterpoint to
toggled), not semantic.
- Steve