I must be missing something here.
amidi -l should list all midi out ports that are available to amidi, right?
No matter what i try with a2j and all of its variants (including j2a and
using the -e option) amidi -l never gives me any usable ports.
Same results as root.
Or should i be using the -L option to list the availabble ports? if yes,
how does that work? I cant figure it out. :-(
Another question: will a usb midi interface list the midi ports under alsa?
All help is appreciated!
On 9 Dec 2011 07:57, "thijs van severen" <thijsvanseveren(a)gmail.com>
Thanks guys!
I actually tried j2a but now i realise that i forgot the -e option to
expose the hw ports. Doh!
I'll give it another try tonight.
On 9 Dec 2011 00:12, "Harry van Haaren" <harryhaaren(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Thijs,
I t...
On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 9:57 PM, thijs van severen <
thijsvanseveren(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all
i'm trying to use 'amidi' to send a simple midi message to the midi out
port of my fi...
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