Steve Harris hat gesagt: // Steve Harris wrote:
A service discover service is just something that
listens out for
registration requests (on a known port) and you say what (public) methods
you support. The service discover service will then poll you to make sure
youre still alive every now and then and you can say when you add or
remove methods.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean with methods, but I assume you
mean the "selectors" (don't know what they are called actually) like
"/foo/tils/org": This youle be a method "/foo/tils/org" supported by
an application.
I think, that method discovery is hard to get right in a modular
environment, namely in Pd. I started to use OSC extensivly in the
RRADical project to create a network transparent communication path
between patches. I leave it up to the users of my patches to specify
the selector they want to use. Example: I have a generic drum machine
patch. The user wants to use one instance as bass drum, another one as
hihat. He then can specify e.g. "/snare/note/" and "/bass/note/" to
selectors for the notes to play with each respective patch.
Now how should a discovery service discover this?
Or am I missing the point.
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__