On Thu, Sep 15, 2005 at 04:28:52PM +0100, Martin Habets wrote:
Protocol wise, it would be interesting to just use the
X protocol.
i.e. create an X server that writes to the console. This would work
for any gui application, and you could ignore "uninteresting" graphics
Not sure how to deal with the mouse in such an environment.
ncurses would make things easier I guess.
Just a thought.
Not a very good one, IMHO. At the level of the X protocol, things
are 'flattened' to their basic operations, and the intention behind
them is completely lost. You can't expect a text based interface to
interpret all the graphic commands that go into e.g. drawing a slider,
and extract what was really meant by all this, let alone find out
that its new postion is now meant to be '-10 dB'.