On Wednesday, December 01, 2010 15:00:49 fons(a)kokkinizita.net wrote:
On Wed, Dec 01, 2010 at 01:16:07PM +0300, Andrew
Gaydenko wrote:
I need just
Vout = Vin(a0 + a1*Vin + a2*Vin^2 + ... + aN*Vin^N)
for given a0,..aN with limited N (a1..aN abs will be < 0.1). Say, we just
recalculat samples' amplitudes directly. Is there any caveats in such
direct transforming? And why do I need to use another (Chebyshev
polynomials) way?
If that is what you need it's simple enough to compute...
Fons, I want just polinomial transformation regardless harmonics at all. I
have mentioned harmonics as a result of searching a LADSPA plugin related to
my needings.
I'm afraid direct amplitude caculation in accorance with a0...aN will produce
"too fast" signal deviation, resulting in exceeding fs/2 band.