ix(a)replic.net wrote:
As I said many
times It's not that I hate Linux Audio, but mainly that I
mmh, i love it,
believe that it is too poor
in features/API for my taste. I tried very hard for several years to
make my apps play together
with jack/alsa, but I find myself very limited in many areas as a
programmer and user:
-Alsa/Jack integration in timestamping is poor, syncronizing audio to
midi is a pain
so use Jack MIDI
Just found it it's been released! Awesome!
-I have no way
to ask from a sequencer, the patch names available in a
softsynth to list them
i do this all the time, grabbing lists of automatable params and patches from my
sequencer, using OSC aware apps like PD, Om etc as the LADSPA/DSSI hosts. sounds like a
sequencer limitation if it's not exposing these things programatticaly for you..
OSC aware apps? wait, wait wait.. you can for sure use osc, but using
jack and osc separatedly?
That is like, a bad hack.. I mean, how do you know which host is what?
Much less sync properly
(read answers below)
-Jack lack of
Right, Just checked on jack ML.. this is pretty amazing!
-Jack lack of
OSC or any way to do parameter automation from the sequencer
im glad jack concentrates on audio and not "OSC parameter automation". its the
UNIX way, a utility doing one thing and doing it well, but if Jack could deliver
sample-accurate OSC messages in a more convenient manner than UDP, im all for it, but the
UI thing you speak of is a level above that.
What are you talking about? without frame-based precision you are
relying on wathever jack server
period size is, which means unreasonably forcing your apps to _really_
low latency for just "decent" accuracy.
It is the same problem you have when you use alsaseq+jack. The typical
hack to fix this is to have a separate thread receiving and timestamping
events, but this is plain SHIT because you have to anyway rely on the
lowlatencyness of the kernel to not jitter the alsa/osc IPC.
I'm _NOT_ glad that jack concentrates only on audio, because I cant do
that, share tempo maps, and many of the things described here.
-It is Impossible to do any sort of offline
render, or high quality
render of a song (like, in 32/192khz) using JACK/Alsa
so you want to be able to run the JACK samplerate at 'infinite' or at least a high
as possible until processing finishes. an interesting idea, to have offline render across
the entire chain.. but last i asked about even so much as multiple samplerates or
vari-speed scrub across all jack spps, they had reasons, not the least of which was it
would be useless without everyone supporting it..
Come on!! *ANY* Comercial grade sequencer/daw/etc supports offline
render. Like for example when you want to compose for movie/DVD, you
need to use very high sampling rates/channels/etc that if you try to
play in realtime would crawl your computer to death. So you just offline
render the whole thing. But for more normal-composer uses, you probably
want to render in high sampling rates and then downsample to reduce
aliasing produced by several dsp techniques. Currently this is
impossible with jack.
-Saving/Restoring your project is just painfully
hard. LASH doesnt help,
and even when I came up with the idea of it in the first place.
this could be improved, but monolithic Cubase-esque hosts is not the way id prefer it to
be done. personally i just have my sequencer spawn off a few shell processes coupled with
rohan drape's excellent patching utils to handle app launches, while storing all the
params&patches id want to recall in the sequence database..
I dont really mind if it is monolithic or not, I'm just noting that I
need it, and I cant do it.
-Adding/Removing softsynths, linking connections, etc takes a while
having to use qjackctl, etc
Sure, you have to go and connect everything yourself, every time you
start up, go to the shell
find an empty console, run fluidsynth or wathever, have everything
organized, etc. Basically
the same as in the above point.
-Lack of
send%.. I just cant have a jack client doing a very high
quality reverb, only as wet processing and have clients send different
amounts of the signal to it, thus saving CPU
so you want jack to do mixing + connections, instead of just connections. take it up with
them, but variable wet/dry requires a 100% connection, so im not sure thats not a UI issue
a level above jack too..
Well, seeing how jack works i'm not sure if it does zerocopy because at
some point it has to add up the connectons together, so I dont think
adding sends per connection is impossible. Yes, ican probably make
an inbetween proces that does a send, but this is annoying to use and
probably reduces performance a lot more too.
-Lack of
tempo-map based transport, I cant adapt my midi-only sequencer
, which works in bars,
beats, etc to a frame-based transport. Say I want to run my sequencer,
then go thru softsynths
and record/edit in ardour.. no go.
confused here.. as to why it wouldnt work, other than your unwillingless to make a simple
function to cnovert between beats/bars to samples..
Because ardour for example, also has it's own tempomap and what I record
on it wont fit. If i then
change the tempo of my song or decide to do other changes
(signature/etc), everything screws up.
But overall,
what mostly annoys me of linux audio is that most API
programmers just implement
the features THEY use and need, and not what others may need. And since
they mantain the thing,
is this not what the economics dictate? if someone sat down with major backing to
implement a 'grand vision' API, wouldnt we be talking about Apple?
even adding them yourself is pointless, as they
will most certainly not
accept patches. Ok, that's
not true, even my small trivial bugfix and usability patches have been incorporated into
various projects.. if youre talking about something enormous, maybe a branch is better at
least until its utility/superiority/whatever is proven..
fine, they are on their right to do it, after all
i'm not paying them to
do it, they work for themselves.
All this has simply led me to decide to not use such APIs anymore and
integrate everything I do
in big, and monolithic apps, such as reason, cubase, etc and not care
have fun, im personally glad to get away from that..
Yes, see what I mean, you have your point of view on the subject, so do
API/lib/app developers.
You could just go and argue about a lot of topics like:
-Should jack support OSC?
-Should apps be monolithic or a modular set of them?
-Should audio/midi plugins separate UI from core in two processes or
should it be integrated?
-Should transport work frame based or BarBeatTick/etc?
-Should we make a more advanced plugin standard and adapt it to an app,
or wait for GMPI?
-Should we use plugins at all?
-Should we advocate for low latency, or better timing/syncronization so
low latency is not needed as much?
-etc, etc
Everyone has their point of view. It's not like you will tell someone "I
want to add this feature to your app/api" and will say "Ok". You will
simply get an answers like:
-No, sorry, I wont accept that patch, i'd rather the library
concentrates only on this.
-Why dont you do it as a separate library?
-Feel free to fork this and add it yourself.
-Yeah I recognize it's useful, but I think it's out of place,
inconsistent with the rest, that I try to keep simple.
etc, etc, etc.
And forking of course is not an option. I mean it's a lot of work
because you have to fork the lib, mantain it, recompile all the apps
that use it against yours and not the main one, merge bugfixes and
improvements to keep compatible. Also if you are using a distro, you
cant use the binary packages because they are not compiled with your
version of the lib, etc. So forking is not really worth it in most cases.
about the
outside world anymore.
After all, it takes me less time to write the features I need for
myself, and into my own than dealing with people's religious software
views to get them integrated into other projects.
wish i could code that fast!
Well, I dont have much time, nor I code very fast, but it's more like.
I made Sequencer A, and softsynth B. They ar communicated thru library
X. I want Sequencer A to do the things I want with softsynth B, both are
my work.
But library X doesnt support, it, so I go talk with library X developer
and it seems
there are no chances of that being implemented in the near future, or
ever. So
what do I do? I'm not left with much choice, Either I fork library X, or
A and B a monolithical app. The second is the easier/faster so I go for