On Friday 13 July 2007 11:23:03 Chris Cannam wrote:
On Friday 13 July 2007 09:38, David García Garzón
This could be interesting for most of you who
develop multiplatform audio
applications as we, at CLAM, do. We got crosscompiled binaries from Linux
to Windows using mingw for linux, [...]
Hey, good stuff! I've been dumbly cursing having to boot up a Windows box
to do my Windows builds, having never quite had enough persistence to see
whether I can get it all working from Linux. I should give it another try.
Though I suppose I'd still need Windows to test the builds properly.
Yes. The fast testing can be done in Wine and for testing them properly...
Well, we are using a virtualized windows ;-)
Any way, the big saving is not having to deploy a build system in windows. A
plain windows box you can stole someone is enough. And also being able to
develop for windows in Linux is great. Proper vim version, nice consoles :-)
Now, how to make OS/X universal binaries without
having to use OS/X...?
Oh, yes, please, anyone knows how to?
David Garcia.