>>>> "rm" == rm
<async(a)cc.gatech.edu> writes:
rm> hi all, so i've tried to make a new scheduling policy for
rm> linux. i've called it SCHED_USERFIFO. the intent is
rm> basically to allow a process ask for x amount of processor
rm> time out of every y jiffies. (the user part is in the hope
rm> that the administrator can set rlimits on the amount of
rm> percentage of time requested and allow non-priviledged users
rm> to use this policy without being able to complete hang the
rm> box).
Doesn't KURT also support this?
I have always been fascinated by those who want to work.
Prunesquallor - Ghormenghast
Immanuel Litzroth
Software Development Engineer
Enfocus Software
Kleindokkaai 3-5
B-9000 Gent
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Email: Immanuell(a)enfocus.be
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