On 03/30/2012 03:48 AM, J. Liles wrote:
The point of those guidelines is to allow users to
know*exactly* what
behavior they can expect.
The chief difficulty I had with implementing LASH support in programs
was that there was no answer as to what 'Save', 'Open', 'New',
should do when running under LASH. Left, as is, the effect of these
operations would vary depending on how individual applications store
their state (whether fully in RAM, in a fixed location on disk, etc.).
This scenario is an absolute nightmare for both implementers and
users. If following a few simple rules to disable certain menu options
is enough to remove this ambiguity entirely, then why is that so hard
for you to accept? Do you*want* to make things ambiguous and
impossible to predict? I know I don't. The rules are not there to be
draconian and imposing--They are there to allow people to have
confidence in what running under session management means regarding
where their data is stored.
Makes me wonder about JackSession. Does it have the same problem here
compared to LASH?