On Wed, Dec 04, 2002 at 10:40:01 +0100, David Olofson wrote:
Well, no,
because for advanced instruments (eg. a full featured
sampler) we have jack.
Well, yes - modulo a sample accurate event system that deals with
stuff beyond MIDI.
Or we just design an event system and strap that onto
well as a stripped version of LADSPA. :-)
I think its reasonable to expect a jack app to be able to natively
understand MIDI/OSC/CV/whatever.
Sure - but how do I connect a sequencer to it, and how do I make it
all stay in sync? I think people will soon expect timing and reliable
of softsynths to be *better* than h/w synths + MIDI; not worse.
Well, alsa-seq, DMIDI or OSC, the linux MIDI sequencers I've seen support
alsa-seq, and some support OSC. All of these will give better timing than
hardware MIDI IIRC.
- Steve