Hi Jörn,
That's a cool idea - I'm going to need this as well!
How about using faust2faustvst to create a VST plugin having the
parameters you want to automate, and using Faust's OSC support to
"xmit" the automation?
I have only used Faust OSC in the other direction
https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~jos/aspf/Using_FAUST_Open_Sound.html) but
it looks like the xmit mode should be adaptable to our needs. We
might have to manually (with an architecture-file edit) link receive
to transmit, since it appears from the doc that the xmit option is
only for emitting manual manipulations of the GUI elements:
http://faust.grame.fr/docs/faust-quick-reference.pdf - it's not clear
to me that received OSC messages will be subject to xmit forwarding.
- Julius
On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Jörn Nettingsmeier
<nettings(a)stackingdwarves.net> wrote:
Hi *!
Does anybody know of a decent free plugin that generates arbitrary OSC
command streams from plugin automation data in the DAW? Preferrably (gasp!)
VST? Idea is to use SomeEvilDAW to send and control smart things on a box
running a friendly OS and a FriendlyDAW.
Jörn Nettingsmeier
De Rijpgracht 8, 1055VR Amsterdam, Nederland
Tel. +49 177 7937487
Meister für Veranstaltungstechnik (Bühne/Studio)
Referent für Beschallung im VDT
Jörn Nettingsmeier
De Rijpgracht 8, 1055VR Amsterdam, Nederland
Tel. +49 177 7937487
Meister für Veranstaltungstechnik (Bühne/Studio), Tonmeister VDT
Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Julius O. Smith III <jos(a)ccrma.stanford.edu>
Professor of Music and, by courtesy, Electrical Engineering
CCRMA, Stanford University