On Sun, 2009-06-14 at 23:44 +0200, Stefano D'Angelo wrote:
2009/6/13 Jörn Nettingsmeier
> sorry if this has been discussed before, but i
didn't find anything in
> the archives...
> consider the case of periodic control values of LADSPA plugins, for
> instance the azimuth in a horizontal panner or the phase shift in a phaser.
> currently, they are usually marked as BOUNDED_BELOW and BOUNDED_ABOVE,
> but the host has no way of knowing that the upper bound is next to the
> lower bound, so that it can chose the shortest path to the next value
> when interpolating automation control points.
* An LV2 extension would allow you to do that quite
easily in LV2,
which is probably preferable these days.
Maybe belongs in the units extension?