Hi Philippe,
The problem is that MuSE does a strange thing. Let me
explain :
I have 2 stereo tracks
track 1 connected to Tx without effect
track 2 connected to Tx with the Glame Bandpass Analog Filter
So, if I activate the plugin of the track 2 the track 1 looks mono and I
can hear that the effect is also acting on it.
is this a bug in MuSE or it is the Glame Bandpass Analog Filter to claim
the fault ?
Sounds weird.
I tried this setup and it seems to work ok for me, apart from that the Glame
plugin seems quite itchy, defaulted to a zero setting and took a while before
it started to give out sound.
In other news we put out a new release the other day, if haven't got it
already it might be an idea to upgrade. Not that I can recall anything having
been fixed in this area, but you never know...
Best regards
PS : it would be nice if the interface window of a plugin closes when we
remove the plugin from the track :)
Are you sure it's when you remove them they get stuck? When I remove a plug
the GUI disappears just the same. However if I open a new song the the
plugins from the old song are not correctly removed.
Anyway, I added it to our tracker: