For me, a
stand alone pitch detection application would be better :
audio in -> pitch detect -> midi out
You plug the instrument into the audio in, connect the midi out to any midi in
in qjackctl, and it is just to play some melody.
There is aubionotes (, which claims
to do exactly what you want. Don't know how well, though. I am trying
to connect it to PianoBooster, to see if that could be a solution.
WaoN could also be an option, I'll try that next.
Eventually, I'd like an integrated app.
Ok. If someone is interested: I can report that aubionotes works quite
well for the samples I tried (brass mostly, all monophonic). WaoN is
similar, maybe even better, but doesn't work realtime, it handles
pre-recorded samples, only.
The interaction with PianoBooster is ok, too. It just doesn't make
much sense, given that PB is really focused on key instruments.