On Thu, May 12, 2005 at 07:52:22 +0200, Fons Adriaensen wrote:
On Fri, May 13, 2005 at 02:52:44AM +1000, Dave
Robillard wrote:
Thanks, some more reference material to read !
An OSC note standard would be nice, but I
don't know if it's even
possible (it's different for everyone). Service discovery and namespace
enumeration need to just make it a nonexistant problem IMO.
On MIDI, the note commands come on a 'channel' and this is handled
in Aeolus as follows:
channels -> [MIDI matrix] -> keyboards -> [coupler matrix] -> divisions
Would something like the MIDI channel matrix be useful for OSC ? My current
view is that OSC note commands should refer directly to the keyboards.
Something like
/notes_on ,iiii... <keyb> <note> <note> <note> ...
There is a thing called Occam[1], which is a direct mapping of MIDI, I
suspect thats the closest you will get to a standard. You can ofcourse
define one, and stick it on a webpage somewhere. The first person to do
that in a non-offensive-to-me way gets cited everytime someone mails me
asking for a OSC note on/off standard, about once a month :)
My preferred form would be something like
/std_prefix/inst_name/base_freq f <base-frequecy>
/std_prefix/inst_name/note_on iff <note-id> <octave> <velocity>
/std_prefix/inst_name/note_off if <note-id> <velocity>
But seen as I've never written an OSC synthesiser, I dont get a vote.
- Steve