On Tuesday, 19 May 2009 at 10:38, Stéphane Letz wrote:
4) A possible proposed solution was to define 2
completely separated
packages for jack2 : the "classic" one would package the "jackd"
incarnation and allow Qjackctl and legacy control applications to be
used with it. The "D-Bus" one would package the "jackdbus"
incarnation, and provide D-Bus bas control applications (patchage,
ladi tools....).
Wouldn't a dbus-based control application jackd work? I.e. a wrapper around the
dbus jack that behaves like the old jackd? (It seems like the obvious solution
to me, but I haven't read that much of this discussion, just part of what was
on this list, so if this is the stupid kind of obvious, just ignore me.)