On Sat, Aug 02, 2008 at 10:22:22AM +0200, Luis Garrido wrote:
One could also
question why it should be 'combustion engine noise'.
If it's just to make other users of the road aware of the car's
presence and speed, it could as well be the sound of horseshoes
on a hard surface. Probably even better, as this is impulsive
and provides better localisation.
Heh, or Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries."
Some people would call that pollution, while I'd probably
use the same term for their preferred music.
Let's keep air pollution to a minimum in all
senses, eh? Oh for a
world without combustion engine noises! We of all people should be
able to appreciate it.
I couldn't agree more. If we can have less traffic generated
noise let's take the opportunity.
At low speeds probably the noise of the tires on the
asphalt and the
buzzing and whirring of the mechanical parts in the engine is enough,
coupled with proper education of drivers and pedestrians and the
judicious use of a klaxon. Utopian much? :-/
Proper education is the key here - it will need a cultural
change, moving away from car drivers considering themselves
to be master of the road (and public space in general), and
expecting everybody to adapt to their presence. It will
need some zero-tolerance law enforcement as well - some
people are just not capable of responsible behaviour by
themselves and have to be either forced or excluded.
Laboratorio di Acustica ed Elettroacustica
Parma, Italia
O tu, che porte, correndo si ?
E guerra e morte !