true, but i take it you get the way CoreAudio is doing
it: it means you
can drive audio processing from a different interrupt source (e.g.
system timer) because you have very accurate idea of the position of the
h/w frame pointer. In CoreAudio, the "callback" is decoupled from any
PCI, USB or ieee1394 interrupt. Tasty.
.. yes, very tasty. the performance-enhancin "OS-provided"
ring-buffer/sample-rate convertor that this allows is also, of
course, tasty.
you can, true, though JACK doesn't. JACK uses poll
and mmap (the OSS
driver uses ioctls and select IIRC); expecting regular audio developers
to use poll/mmap on a day to day basis creates very bad reactions :)
it only has to be done right once, though, and from that point on,
wrapped in an API and well-promoted as a black-box handling for audio
Jay Vaughan