For Vocals, the reverb is distracting and stops me
from concentrating on
micromanaging my voice (which is not great to start with and could use
all the help it can get).
It probably also thickens the timbre of your voice as an appropiate room acoustics would
do, wouldn't it?
For particularly challenging material a double
Scotch helps too, reinforcing the distracting aspect of the reverb.
For my instrument parts reverb or echo multiplies the
tiniest of
mistakes and therefore I concentrate a lot harder on not making them,
leaving the actual playing to motor memory. My motor memory plays a lot
better than my conscious process.
Tuning time domain effects to the tempo of the song has a huge impact for me too. It
really reinforces the rhythm for me (I've agreed on this with many friends).
I plass the bass guitar, and my instrument is quite crappy, but I always peak compress it,
even for studying. A long attack time (circa 100ms) and a somewhat longer release (circa
250ms) lets the onset of the plucking go through (saturating my speaker just a little bit)
before compressing the whole thing, making the sound thicker. If I need to go for a fast
part, I lower the release time a bit.
I feel I improved my playing a lot since I started doing this. It also helps when playing
with drummers who play loud.
A side effect on this is that your ears and brain get tired quicker of the drowning bass