On Mon, 2003-10-27 at 00:35, "?rshТoi8-r?Q?" wrote:
From: Bob Ham
Why can't ladccad daemon start up without
jack server being running?
LADCCA was written with the assumption that jack is a system service,
along the lines of ALSA, X, syslog, etc.
well, ladccad does not refuse to sturt up without X or syslog being running.
Those are just examples of system services, rather than system services
that LADCCA uses.
session manager
for clients of jack; not jack itself.
A thought it is a session manager for Linux Audio (as in LAdcca)
not exclisively for jackified applications.
Let me rephrase: LADCCA is a session manager for jack and alsa sequencer
*clients*; not the services themselves.
Are there plans for laddcca to support jack-less
Bob Ham <rah(a)bash.sh>
"At some point, keystroke recorders got installed on several machines at
Valve. Our speculation is that these were done via a buffer overflow in
Outlook's preview pane." -- Gabe Newell on the Half-Life 2 source leak