On Wed, Oct 16, 2002 at 08:15:57AM +0200, Joern Nettingsmeier wrote:
But then I
gave 2.5.42-mm3 a whirl, and it seems to be
considerably more responsive, and sweep drops out much less.
i have not tried it. did you hand-apply the patch, or is there an
updated version against 2.5.42 somwhere ?
There was an -mm3 patch for 2.5.42. There's an -mm2 patch for 2.5.43 there
now, too :)
quite(!) a descrepency between Joern's and my X11 performance. This
makes me wonder 2 things: what card are you using Joern?, and what (if
anything) can be done to make the X11 performance less ludicrously bad?
it's a trusty ole 3dfx voodoo 3 3000 agp, running in DRI mode with full
3d acceleration (although quake3 performance drops from 41.5 fps to 28),
driving a 17" screen at 1280x1024, with a ps2 mouse and keyboard
attached. that's it.
x11 is the least of my latency problems :)
It must be a kernel thing; I've got a g550, which should beat a voodoo 3
hands down. A test with 2.4.19-jl6 confirms this (with reiserfs, rather
than xfs):
Also, by the by, a 2.5.43-mm2 test is now showing similar disk read
results to the -jl6 kernel: