Thank you for the overview of the AoIP stuff, I just not up to date now.
So my thought is that AoIP at low latencies depends on a local net with
collision possible. Am I making sense? or am I missing something?
just to add my two cents for ideas:
In robotic there is a open source solution for linux kernels called rtnet,
which has exactly the purpose to prevent collision and garantee low
over network:
This looks like the same idea I had in the begining. I
may look farther
when I have time. Prioritizing audio (RT) through the net and tunnelling
the low priority packets through. It is nice to know I don't have to do
all the work and there is already something like this out there.
Note: rtnet uses time slots and works at kernel level. This means there are
reserved times for each device, which guarantee very low latency (lower than
sample-time) and no packet drop for very low latency. The interface using
rtnet could do like 3-samples latency. No collisions without buffering, which
switches uses to prevent them. Anyhow it works only in a dedicated Ethernet
zone... so it is easy to use to implement customized dedicated solutions,
(multichannel speaker systems or multichannel microphone arrays) but hard to
do fit any standard for use with every device or unpredictable device count
Winfried Ritsch
Ritsch, Winfried, Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing.
Institut 17 Elektronische Musik und Akustik
8010 Graz, Inffeldgasse 10/III
E-Mail ritsch(a)iem.at
Mobil ++436642439369