On Sat, 13 Jun 2020, Ethan Funk wrote:
That leads me to a question regarding Ubuntu Studio
Control, which I have been
using to manage jackd and additional audio interfaces via zita-a2j. I have Ubuntu
Studio Control configured to use a Tascam US-4x4 as the main audio interface with
128 sample process frames at a 48 kHz sample rate on my test machine, with the
built-in audio port on the motherboard as a a2j/j2a bridge. Audio to and from the
motherboard interface is broken up with the zita-a2j and zita-j2a running as
launched by Ubuntu Studio Control. Notably, the -p run option is set to 64. If I
run zita-a2j myself with -p set nice and high, to 1024 for example, I get good
clean audio, at the expense of latency on that interface. That's fine for me,
since I still have good, low latency on the main interface. Does any one know
where I can find the source code for Ubuntu Studio Control so I can investigate a
fix to make this settable?
-controls is written in python and so easy to change. You can view the
source directly by looking at /usr/bin/autojack. Zita-ajbridge has the
buffer to 1/2 that of jack... but that is proving to be a problem in some
cases. Internal should be at least 128 and hdmi should be 4096. The git
repo is
https://github.com/ovenwerks/studio-controls (it has been
"unbranded" so other distros can feel free to use it)
This is a relatively new project and so is very much not bug free. Being
able to directly set buffer size for each device used sounds very much
like a reasonable feature request. (also a feature that has been thought
of before)
Be aware that autojack runs from session start and because of the way some
DEs use systemd/logind to start sessions... the session never really ends
so a reboot or a killall autojack may be needed to see how changes do. I
would suggest running autojack in a terminal while testing new code so
that you have access to terminal output. once you have finished with the
code running studio-controls should restart it in the background again if
you have closed the terminal.
Len Ovens