On Fri, Dec 05, 2008 at 12:32:42PM +0100, Denis Sbragion wrote:
sorry, but I fear I'm missing the point. What do
you mean by "recording
correction"? DRC main goals is to correct the room/speaker response. It may be
used even for other kind of (linear) correction, but that is what it has been
designed for. This is the reason why you need an accurate mic, expecially WRT
the magnitude response. If the measured room/spekaer response isn't accurately
measured you're going to find the same kind of inaccuracies in the correction
I guess Julien means removing the room's contribution from a
recording made in that room. It *should* be possible, using
similar techniques as for normal room correction, provided
the source is in a fixed position.
Suppose you set up a microphone to record a solo voice.
Put a speaker at the place where the singer is going to
be, measure the IR, and invert. This still requires a
flat reference mic to remove the contribution from the
Laboratorio di Acustica ed Elettroacustica
Parma, Italia
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