[Alfons Adriaensen]
1. Why should the use of new HINT bits be conditional
on 'version 2' ?
Hosts just ignore HINT bits they do not know.
yes, i wondered myself. you can simply drop the version 2 condition
(the use of the hint bit implies version 2 anyway). though it will
be nice to connotate features with version dependency so coders
will know when they leave backwards-compatible terrain.
2. Given a port number, how does the host find the
PortValEnum ?
it's in the test program posted with the first patch:
/* (d = LADSPA_Descriptor * for the plugin) */
for (i = 0; i < d->PortCount; ++i)
printf ("--------------------------------------------\n");
printf ("port: %s\n", d->PortNames[i]);
printf (" default: %.1f\n", d->DefaultValues[i]);
printf (" unit: %s\n", d->PortUnits[i]);
if (d->PortValueEnum)
e = d->PortValueEnum[i];
while (e && e->Label)
printf (" value: %.2f = %s\n", e->Value, e->Label);
i'm quite confident it's not too complicated a solution.