On 19 October 2010 02:37, Igor Brkic <igor(a)hyperglitch.com> wrote:
Hi Rekado!
I tried plugin and it sounds pretty good. It will be valuable addition to
LV2 synths when it's finished.
I looked at the code a bit. Maybe you already solved this, but you had a
typo in mdaEPianoGUI.cpp file. It caused a runtime error so GUI couldn't be
instantiated. You wrote the first line in class definition like:
class mdaEPianoGUI : public LV2::GUI<mdaEPianoGUI, LV2::URIMap<true>,
LV2::WriteMIDI<false> >{
but it sould be:
class mdaEPianoGUI : public LV2::GUI<mdaEPianoGUI>, LV2::URIMap<true>,
LV2::WriteMIDI<false> {
After changing that GUI is shown, but compiler reports that write_midi()
function is not in the scope (didn't solve that problem - I just commented
it out :)).
Hi Igor,
thanks for testing.
About the GUI: I think you might be mistaken. Even though I'm new to
template stuff in C++, my syntax seems to be correct. The GUI appears
when I open the plug-in in zynjacku (lv2_jack_host does not care about
What runtime error did you encounter and what host did you use?
The GUI by the way is nothing more but a construction site. It is not
usable at all, no functions implemented. It is more of a
proof-of-concept (yes, GUI appears) than anything else. I'm working on
this right now, but I'm all new to this.