Hello. Who of us are working on a modular synth GUI where user
grab&drag modules and connects them with cables? I'm myself
interested in the editor GUI development --- there already
are many modular audio engines, but not particularly good GUIs
(Quasimodo might be an exception if I remember correctly).
Below is a short list of modular synths. I'm still searching for
more. I will mail an updated list later, but at meanwhile you
could help me ;-)
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Name Author Has cable-GUI Has script-GUI
Nord Modular Clavia Yes No
Harmonizer/Vsig Eventide Yes Yes
Oasys Korg ? ?
Csound Barry Vercoe No Yes
Cmusic ? No Yes
Quasimodo Paul Davis Yes No
PD Miller Puckette Yes No
PSK ? No Yes
jmax ? ? ?
Nyquist (1) R.B. Dannenberg No Yes
SAOL ? No Yes
?? Creamware Yes No
Arts ? Yes No
Vaz Modular ? Yes No
Reaktor ? Yes No
Tasman ? ? ?
SyncC modular ? ? ?
BlockCompiler Matti Karjalainen No Yes
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