On Thu, Jan 24, 2008 at 05:50:35AM +0200, Nedko
Arnaudov wrote:
Can you please explain what you mean by
workspaces? The ones a modern
X11 Window Manager typically provides?
Yes. The typical session I'm using for some of my work here
would use 4 or 5 workspaces. It's quite impossible to fit
all of it on a single screen, not even on the super nice
Apple 30" cinema display I have on one of the machines.
It also involves running things on headless networked
computers (currently via ssh) and configuring external
devices, an RME MADI Bridge and up to five ADI648.
These are remotable by MIDI.
Just out of curiosity: Do you know how a program can query for X11 programs'
window positions and workspaces? Just point me to an API doc or something if
you're not feeling talkative. :)