On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 08:15:41PM +0100, Tim Goetze wrote:
[Fons Adriaensen]
Exactly the same with the form I proposed, w, a, b
need to be computed
just once, not for every gain change. In fact only w depends on the
sample rate, a and b are fixed constants.
Ah yes, sorry, I see that now.
If that extra operation comes around to bite hard enough, I'll be sure
to chain two 1st-order lowpass filters.
There is a much more important (in some use cases) feature of
this form: you can change 'w' (cutoff frequency c.q. settling
time) instantly without introducing transients into the signal.
Doing this with a biquad would generate a step in the output.
So it's the ideal form for a 'voltage controlled' filter.
In fact the famous 'Moog ladder' is just the same but using
four first order sections instead of two.
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