On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 02:24:09AM +0200, rom wrote:
I'd like to ask some advice about a small
multitrack recorder program i
wrote, and have been using for some time. Basically, what it does is to:
- simultaneously capture sound from several consumer-grade soundcards.
- use libsamplerate to stretch the audio streams, re-syncing them to the
one chosen as "master". The stretch ratio is continuously re-calculated
to make the overall frame count of the stretched stream match the
overall frame count of the master.
- write the "corrected" streams plus the "master" stream to parallel
.wav files using libsndfile.
You basically reinvented jackd with additional alsa_in and jack_capture
or whatever recording tool (ardour?) a user intends to use.
Just a quick walk-through:
$ jackd -d alsa -d hw:0 --> fire up jackd on first card
$ alsa_in -d hw:1 --> add second card
$ alsa_in -d hw:2 --> add third card a.s.o.
Then, use any jack capture client you want, including jackrec,
jack_capture and ardour, just to name a few.