On Tue, 15 Jun 2010, Jeremy wrote:
torben, dave
and i had some detailed discussions on IRC recently about
some new ideas on how to make this work, but i don't think its easy
and its not likely to appear any time soon.
nothing like the plethora of choices implied by open source
development to royally screw up basic things.
How about this idea? The plugin is responsible for creating its own window
if the host doesn't know how to do it.
I.e. the plugin provides both an internal and external UI,
and the host application picks which one. You can already
do that.
Originally I suggested something like VSTGUI. But then
you're building your own abstrict widget toolkit that has to
be implemented by each host. Yuk. But if you're creating
your own widget toolkit, then why not simply pick one
existing one and go with it?
How about this:
All plugin GUI's are GTK.
Plugin authors only have to deal with 1 API. Host authors,
if not using GTK, only have to figure out how to present GTK
widgets (not {GTK|Qt|FLTK|wxWidgets|Athena}).
I'm a Qt fanboi, but going this route is starting to make a
lot of sense to me.