On 1/27/11, Brett McCoy wrote:
On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 2:57 PM, drew Roberts wrote:
On Thursday 27 January 2011 11:56:22 Paul Davis
> i just don't remember other cases where major existing FLOSS projects
> were forked
The only instance I can think of is how Cinepaint (aka Film-Gimp) was
forked off from the Gimp. I think it deadended, though, when the Gimp
caught up to some of the same functionality
FilmGIMP was a friendly fork, kept in same CVS repo, but different
branch. The team behind it started doing everything properly after
that, i.e. developing GEGL, the new GIMP's non-destructive core, but
they didn't get very far and left.
Cinepaint is FilmGIMP picked up by a completely different team (and
there were battles and soure faces there as well). They ended up
trying to create their own new core and new UI and failed. Last time I
checked, Cinepaint seemd to have proper attributions to the initial
GIMP's team.
IIRC, quite a few major projects have been forked in the past. Bazaar
and bzr-ng,
OpenOffice.org and LibreOffice, Amarok and Clementine
(well, a time-machine fork in this case), Sodipodi and Inkscape, etc.
Alexandre Prokoudine