What are you working on, if I may pry?
On 4/7/06, Dmitry Baikov <dsbaikov(a)gmail.com> wrote:
I can re-write
Ableton Live with qt, and even
make it fast in python (which escapes the linux-only concept, mind you
:)) - that's not hard. What is hard is finding an engine that lets me
focus on my GUI as opposed to the engine or *anything* related to
communicating with the engine (besides the above calls, of course).
Wow! I'm thinking about something like Ableton Live (but I'm mostly
interested in MIDI),
and I hate writing GUIs.
I tried to do some GUI stuff first as the most dull and complex(for
me) part. But it's a pain.
Since there are peolpe wanting to make GUI stuff (surprise!), I'm
throwing this away and start working on the engine.
Btw, Live leaves much to be desired. Different tempos for different
tracks, for example.