On Tue, Apr 27, 2004 at 07:26:34PM +0200, Christian Frisson wrote:
Jan Depner <eviltwin69(a)cableone.net> said:
Hey, chill. Sometimes people are busy. Someone
will eventually get
around to answering (if I knew anything about it I would ;-) The way I
see it is that people who test are indispensable to the development
Seemingly YELLING makes you deserve (sometimes) more attention... ;-)
I know it's not the best behaviour at all, but it does really ooze your mind
when you write 1-hour formerly recipient-free messages!
i have (by mistake) deleted my lad folder. and either you did not post
your compatibility list, or i missed it. i cant tell.
I have still stuff to fix in in galan and in fst so i am not in
desperate need of bugs :)
so it can be that if we fix plugins which dont work, that other plugins
will work.
wait until after ladconf (paul and i will meet there -> synergy)
torben Hohn
http://galan.sourceforge.net -- The graphical Audio language