On Sun, 17 May 2009 13:57:29 -0400, Paul Davis <paul(a)linuxaudiosystems.com>
On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 1:49 PM, Stéphane Letz
<letz(a)grame.fr> wrote:
> After all these discussions on JACK2, D-Bus and Qjackctl issues, here
> some general comments:
> 1) JACK2 *default* compilation mode defines the same starting scheme at
> JACK1 was doing. So (beside possible bugs) it is supposed to be
> completely
> "interchangeable" with JACK1. It can be controled with Qjackctl as
2) JACK2 compiled in D-Bus is supposed to be controlled by a D-Bus based
control application... (jack_control is a simple python example of a
application part of the package). Using JACK2 compiled in D-Bus with
Qjackctl is a "receipe for trouble", even if if can be done in some
use cases. (The point is that in this case the client auto-start feature
starts the "jackdbus" exe instead of "jackd" with all of the related
"settings" issues).
3) The port issue Fons told about in Qjackctl 0.3.4 seems to be a
bug, so has to be fixed at the right place.
I don't see right now any raisonable way to fix this mess, better than
adding even more complexity in the design... (Nedko any idea?) Otherwise
guess the only way is to make this totally clear for packagers : 1) is
standard way that maintains complete compatibility with legacy
and control applications. 2) is the "new" way to be used with new D-Bus
based control application (patchage ??)... So it would mean 2
this sounds like a mess. there is a control API. i believe it was
agreed that the control API could be accessed directly (from C/C++
etc), or via other systems for which translators/layers were added
(e.g. DBus). i can see no reason why anyone would want to use choose
between a JACK server that can be controlled via either DBus or the
control API but not both. what is going on?
I can't tell about the c/c++ API since I'm not really using it. The issue
here is with the legacy way of doing things: controlling jack from the
command line and it's set of switches, playing with PIDs, redirecting some
Legacy can't work well along control API.
Marc-Olivier Barre.
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