On Thu, Jun 10, 2004 at 12:22:55PM -0400, Dave Robillard wrote:
That was
exactly Dave's point. Marek wants some kind of "we" thing going on.
He wants us all to march off in solidarity in the direction he chooses and it
just doesn't work that way. You want to make money, I don't care, Dave
care, Paul wants to make money... There is no single correct direction here.
Thank you Jan, you've summarized my admittedly flammable rant quite
nicely. :)
I think LAD is just great the way it is: a bunch of people hacking on
linux audio software, doing whatever interests them. Make money, don't,
contribute to existing projects, code your own weird little apps noone
could possile use but you, advocate, never talk to anyone, whatever.
In short, do whatever pleases ya.
Of course, do whatever pleases ya, nobody is really saying otherwise,
despite what it might sound like.
I think the phrase "march off in solidarity in the direction he chooses"
is maybe a little unfair. I for one am willing to give him some
leaway. His fishing expedition was reasonable successful, i would
say, in that he now has a broad range of opinions within which he
can come up with a more concrete generally acceptable proposal.
These disussions always hilight the differences, but lets use this
to take note of what we have in common, and make _use_ of the extremely
varied backgrounds and usage expectations here, to further one aim that
i would hope that we could all agree on:
"we want/need better software tools"
Marek obviously has some interests/skills that most hardcore programmers
dont have, so if he comes up with a plan that furthers the above aim, i for
one will assist in it.
Tim Orford