On Thu, 10 Jun 2004 20:02:48 +0200
Thorsten Wilms <t_w_(a)freenet.de> wrote:
On Thu, Jun 10, 2004 at 10:19:10AM -0700, Tim Hockin
Oh, and
about linear needing 2 directions, up/down for gain
and right left for pan (Uwe): Sure. And the widget has
to be clear about that in advance.
This is such a bad idea, unless the control is an X/Y control to
start with.
No, I did not mean 2 axes for one widget. Only that a linear widget
has to indicate it's direction even before interaction happens, and
that it makes sense to use vertical for volume and horizonal for pan
in the same interface.
For visual hinting, how about:
/ \ Horizonal (e.g. pan control)
min at south west
max at south east
O Vertical (e.g. Whatever else)
min at south west (or east)
max at north west (or east)