On Wed, Apr 12, 2006 at 01:17:47AM -0400, Lee Revell wrote:
On Tue, 2006-04-11 at 16:04 -0700, Lance Blisters
I bought a Layla24 and Cardbus adaptor. Works
beatifully with ALSA/JACK/ARDOUR up to 8 channels. However, the soundcard presents the 8
analog channels as device 0 and 8 digital channels as device 1. JACK will only open one
device at a time. So in order to record and play back 16 channels with Ardour, I
apparently need to create a virtual ALSA device combining the two LAYLA subdevices.
Does this work? (based on
# .asoundrc for layla
# Create virtual devices out of multiple subdevices
# JACK will need MMAP_COMPLEX support to use this.
pcm.multi_capture {
type multi
slaves.a.pcm hw:0,0
slaves.a.channels 8
slaves.b.pcm hw:0,1
The above line produces the following:
ALSA lib conf.c:1592:(snd_config_load1)_toplevel_:606:27:Unexpected char
ALSA lib conf.c:2837:(snd_config_hook_load)/root/.asoundrc may be old or corrupted
consider to remove or fix it
Character 27 is either the '1' or the newline.
The MMAP_COMPLEX note might be relevant to a dead end i reached earlier. Does anyone know
whether planetccrma builds jack with this option? jackd --help doesn't mention. i
have version jackd 0.100.6.
Thanks for the assistance.