Hi all,
Please refer to this thread on
linuxmusicians.com forum, starting here:
re. Non-Session-Manager fork descalation
I'm not willing to open and engage into yet another discussion about the
so called "NSM fork", though I still don't understand what
has to do with the new(er)-session-management (aka "NSM fork") and why
it is now moved from
linuxaudio.org to
I don't like it and as I said before (on #jack irc), it won't get my
vote in: please don't make the same mistake again and keep
away from this diatribe.
So please, host it on its own website, or
github.com page, or on
kx.studio or
laborejo.org, as these are the proper to the main two
proponents to "the fork".
Thanks for listening
rncbc aka. Rui Nuno Capela