I wrote a client-side OSC sequencer for supercollider.
check my site
for "scsynth".
On 5/29/06, Loki Davison <loki.davison(a)gmail.com> wrote:
On 5/27/06, Patrick Stinson
<patrickkidd.lists(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Take a look at OSC. It assumes that all
computers' clocks are synced
via ntp, which is more than adequate to ensure its 64-bit fixed point
timestamps are accurate. This makes the programming easier and more
reliable, as you only have to program to your local clock. Relying on
an Ethernet LAN for heartbeat-style clock syncing is never a good
idea, as the MIDI specification describes (you don't see a Roland
keyboard assembling a TCP stack on its MIDI port, for example).
OSC does not define a transport, so you may use TCP or UDP or whatever
you want, as many others do. I highly recommend this as a solution for
also a osc sequencer would be useful and yet another loop based midi
sequencer wouldn't be. I'd also recommend process seperation of gui
and engine. Then you can write the engine in something like c and the
gui in something like python.